You’ll find the recipe on the bars & cinnamon balls HERE

God morgon! Jag har börjat med en ny grej den senaste tiden och det är att jag dricker smoothies med barnen till frukost varje morgon. På bilderna är det dock juice men har inte tagit någon bild med min smoothie så det fick bli så, hehe. Hur som helst så har jag helt tappat aptiten att äta på morgonen, vilket är helt nytt för mig för har aldrig varit så förut. Jag vet inte varför det har blivit så heller. Hur som helst så vet jag ju hur viktigt frukost är och en smoothie är lättare att få i sig än att äta mat. Jag brukar alltid ha i havremjölk, avokado, frysta hallon, fryst mango och bladspenat. Den blir verkligen så god och nu längtar jag efter den varje morgon. Tips till er andra som inte gillar att äta så mycket till frukost. Den går ner väldigt lätt.

Nu ska jag klä på barnen och sen ska jag till skolan och skriva tenta. Jag känner fortfarande att jag kanske inte har pluggat tillräckligt men jag hoppas att det ska gå ändå. Håll tummarna för mig. Ha en fin dag, PUSS <3

//Good morning! I have started with a new thing lately and that is that I drink smoothies with the kids for breakfast every morning. Although in these pictures I drink juice but I haven’t taken any pictures with my smoothie so that was the only pictures I had, hehe. Anyhow I have totally lost my appetite in the mornings, which is totally new to me since I’ve never felt like that before. I don’t know why either. Anyhow, I know how important it is to have breakfast and a smoothie is much easier to drink than to eat food. I always use to have oat milk, avocado, frozen raspberries, frozen mango and baby spinach in them. It really turns out so good and now I can’t wait to drink it every morning. Tips for you other people who doesn’t like to eat so much for breakfast. You can really drink it easily. 

Now I’m going to get the kids dressed and then go to school and do my exam. I still feel that I haven’t studied enough but I hope I will pass anyway. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Have a wonderful day, XOXO <3


  1. Simone 20 september, 2018 on 22:34 Svara

    Maybe the loss of brekkie appetite came with the changes in your life, going to your training every morning, different schedules?
    I remember from school and uni times, when I had to be somewhere early I had no appetite and could only eat later in the day.
    Once I was off or had lessons late in the day and hence a relaxed morning, I could eat something – but I was never big on eating right after getting up, I need my time – which I don’t have when my day starts early.
    So smoothies are a good alternative to give you energy. But – i read recently that the need for food in the morning is not really there. If one cannot stomach anything in the morning, you shouldn’t force yourself – you obviously don’t need something right then.
    That came as a big relief – I always thought I have to eat something. Now I just relax and eat when I feel hungry. But I have water, a juice and coffee.
    Ok, that was pure rambling, but when I read your post quite a few things concerning food and appetite in the morning tumbled through my mind, so I just blurted it out 😉

    • michaeladeler 21 september, 2018 on 14:17 Svara

      Haha thank you so much <3 And you are so right <3 I don't have to think so much about that, my appetite is back later during the day so I shouldn't worry and force myself to eat in the morning <3

      Have a wonderful day <3


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